Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Murrah Buffalo : 10 Secret to Boosting Dairy Farm Profits

The Murrah buffalo is a highly revered breed originating from India, renowned for its superior dairy production and adaptability. Known for its resilience, high-fat content in milk, and easy management, this breed has gained international recognition. In this blog article, we’ll see every aspect of the Murrah buffalo, from its origin to the latest management practices. This article can be very helpful to farmers, breeders, and livestock owners.

1. Origin and Breeding

The Murrah buffalo originates from the northern part of India, particularly in regions such as Haryana, Punjab, and Delhi. This breed is the pride of Indian dairy farming and is often referred to as the “Black Gold” of India. Its breeding history goes back centuries, where Indian farmers selectively bred this animal for its superior milk-producing abilities.

Murrah buffaloes were initially bred in the districts of Rohtak, Hisar, and Jind in Haryana. The breeding practices aimed at enhancing specific traits such as milk yield, physical strength, and adaptability to varying environmental conditions. Today, these buffaloes are found worldwide, from Brazil to Southeast Asia, where they play a crucial role in the dairy industry.

Selective breeding has been crucial in ensuring the Murrah buffalo’s desirable characteristics, including high milk yield, easy calving, and adaptability. Purebred Murrah buffaloes are now part of several global breeding programs.

2. Population and Distribution

The Murrah buffalo population has increased steadily due to its commercial value. In India alone, there are millions of Murrah buffaloes, with the highest populations in Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan. Globally, countries like Brazil, Egypt, and Italy have imported this breed to boost their milk production.

A thriving population ensures the breed’s genetic diversity, which is vital for disease resistance and further improvement of desirable traits. The global distribution of the Murrah buffalo is a testament to its versatility and ability to adapt to different climatic conditions.

3. Physical Characteristics of Murrah Buffalo

Murrah buffaloes are easily recognizable by their unique appearance. They are jet black, with occasional white markings on the tail and face. Their horns are short and tightly curved, resembling a spiral shape. Here are some distinguishing features:

  • Color: Predominantly black with minimal white patches.
  • Horns: Short and curled inward.
  • Body Size: Compact and stocky, with well-built limbs.
  • Head: Broad with a prominent forehead.
  • Weight: Adult males weigh around 550-600 kg, while females weigh 450-500 kg.
  • Height: Bulls stand at about 150 cm at the shoulder, while cows stand at 140 cm.

These physical traits not only make the Murrah buffalo aesthetically striking but also indicate its robust build, which helps the breed in adapting to diverse environmental conditions.

4. Identification of Top-Quality Murrah Buffaloes

While selecting top-quality Murrah buffaloes involves evaluating various characteristics to ensure these points:

  • Udder: A well-developed, capacious udder with well-placed teats is a hallmark of a top-quality Murrah buffalo. This feature directly impacts milk production.
  • Horns: The horns should be short, tightly curled, and symmetrical.
  • Body Structure: A robust, muscular build with a long, deep body and well-set limbs is desirable. It indicates the buffalo’s ability to carry large amounts of milk.
  • Temperament: Murrah buffaloes should have a calm disposition. Temperament affects their milk yield and ease of handling.
  • Milk Yield: A top-quality Murrah buffalo produces between 8 to 16 liters of milk daily. The milk contains a high butterfat content, typically around 7–9%.

Quality assessment should also consider the age and health of the animal, ensuring that it is free from genetic defects or chronic diseases.

5. Care and Management of the Murrah Buffalo

To caring for Murrah buffaloes involves understanding their unique needs for optimal health. Follwing key aspects of managing this breed effectively:

  • Feeding: Provide a balanced diet of roughage, including green fodder like alfalfa, and supplements like grains or oilseeds. To boost milk production ensure mineral blocks are available .
  • Water: Buffaloes need abundant clean water for drinking and bathing, especially during hot weather. Proper hydration is crucial for milk yield and maintaining their body temperature.
  • Shelter: Housing should be well-ventilated, spacious, and clean. Buffaloes are sensitive to extreme heat, so providing adequate shade and cooling mechanisms is essential during summer.
  • Vaccination: Regular vaccinations against common diseases like Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) and Brucellosis are critical in preventing outbreaks that could decimate your herd.

Regular check-ups by a veterinarian, along with deworming, contribute to the overall health and productivity of the buffalo.

6. Common Diseases and Treatment

Murrah buffaloes, like all livestock, are susceptible to a variety of diseases. Some common ailments are:

  • Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD): This viral disease affects the feet and mouth, leading to lameness and reduced milk production. Vaccination is the most effective preventive measure.
  • Mastitis: A bacterial infection of the udder, leading to swelling, pain, and reduced milk yield. Immediate treatment with antibiotics is necessary.
  • Brucellosis: This zoonotic disease causes abortion in pregnant buffaloes. Regular testing and vaccination are essential to prevent its spread.

Prevention is the best treatment for many of these diseases. A proactive approach, including maintaining hygiene in their shelter and ensuring proper nutrition, helps mitigate the risks.

7. Biometry

Biometry involves measuring the physical dimensions of Murrah buffaloes, which is vital for breeders and researchers. Standard biometric data for Murrah buffaloes include:

  • Body Length: 150-160 cm.
  • Heart Girth: 180-200 cm.
  • Height at Withers: 140-150 cm.

These measurements are critical for breeding programs to maintain the desired traits in Murrah buffaloes, ensuring their milk production and robustness remain optimal.

8. Production Traits of the Murrah Buffalo

The Murrah buffalo is widely celebrated for its superior production traits, particularly in milk yield and quality:

  • Milk Yield: On average, a Murrah buffalo can produce between 2,200 to 3,000 liters of milk per lactation cycle.
  • Fat Content: Murrah buffalo milk contains a high fat content of 7–9%, making it ideal for producing butter, cheese, and other dairy products.
  • Lactation Period: The lactation period typically lasts about 300 days.

In addition to its dairy production, the Murrah buffalo also has economic significance in terms of meat and draught power, although its primary use remains dairy.

9. Reproduction Traits

Murrah buffaloes have excellent reproductive traits that ensure a consistent milk supply for dairy farmers:

  • Age at First Calving: 3 to 3.5 years.
  • Calving Interval: About 400-450 days, which allows for efficient reproduction without overburdening the buffalo.
  • Gestation Period: Typically, 310 days.

Breeding practices focus on maintaining a healthy calving interval, ensuring that buffaloes remain productive for long periods.

10. Housing Management & Practices

Good housing management play crucial role for the health and productivity of Murrah buffaloes. Some Essential practices for housing management are:

  • Ventilation: Ensure proper airflow in the shelter to prevent respiratory diseases and heat stress. Buffaloes are sensitive to heat and require cool conditions.
  • Space: Each buffalo requires a minimum space of 40-50 square feet for resting. Proper space allocation reduces stress and allows free movement.
  • Bedding: Provide dry, clean bedding to prevent infections and enhance comfort.
  • Cleaning: Regular cleaning of the shelter ensures the buffaloes are protected from pathogens.

Modern housing systems integrate automated cleaning and feeding systems, ensuring that buffaloes get optimal care with minimal human intervention.


Murrah buffaloes have proven to be a game-changer in the dairy industry, offering exceptional milk yield, high-fat content, and adaptability to diverse environments. Their superior genetics, easy management, and efficient reproduction traits make them a profitable choice for dairy farmers. Investing in Murrah buffaloes can lead to increased milk production, reduced costs in management, and a higher return on investment due to their robust health and productivity.

By focusing on proper care, selective breeding, and modern housing practices, dairy farmers can maximize the potential of these “black gold” animals, ensuring sustained growth in profits. For any dairy farm looking to scale operations or increase efficiency, Murrah buffaloes truly are the secret to long-term success and profitability.

With proper care, selection, and housing management practices, farmers can optimize their herds and ensure a steady, profitable milk production.


How many months do buffalo give milk?

Buffaloes typically give milk for 8 to 10 months (240 to 300 days) during each lactation cycle. The exact duration can vary depending on factors such as the breed, health, feeding practices, and overall care.

Can Murrah buffaloes be profitable for small-scale farms?

Yes, their high milk production, minimal care needs, and long lifespan make them ideal for small-scale dairy operations, leading to steady profits.

What is the lifespan of a buffalo?

The lifespan of a buffalo Generally ranges from 15 to 25 years, it’s depending on the breed, health, and environmental factors.

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